Wednesday 17 June 2009

Innovation Tools Update

Dear friends, innovators and collaborators

I've been really busy working on an ambitious new project called wecreate™ – and the time is finally right to share it with you.

The vision is simple – to share the very best creativity, leadership and innovation tools in ways that allow everyone to harness them, not just the lucky few. We believe that when we all get to develop our capacity to connect, create and collaborate, our organisations and societies thrive.

At the heart of this project is a radically innovative peer-to-peer creative leadership toolkit that provides high-quality coaching without the usual costs.

The toolkit is complimented by a suite of open training sessions (training on disruptive and collaborative innovation in July - book now for very limited early bird specials) and open innovation and entrepreneurial 'boot camps' to kick-start seriously inventive and collaborative thinking in organisations and teams.

Our work with organisations allows us to help disadvantaged young people to foster innovation mindsets and leadership behaviours themselves - which we believe is the key to the creation of a future worthy of humanity. See our social mission for more.

Every month or so (and no more) we will keep you in the loop with insights and scientific research from the cutting-edge of the collaboration economy. If these nuggets aren't for you, simply unsubscribe at the bottom. Please do get in touch if any of this resonates and you want to explore what is possible through collaborating with us.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Disruptive Innovation Event July 2009

Find the next iPod for your sector using the power of systems thinking and much much more.
In an atmosphere of collaboration and curiosity we will cover;

The most overused word in innovation? What does 'disruption' actually look like?

Systems thinking: the best way to spot - and seize - disruption opportunities

Collaboration and disruptive innovation

Developing a disruptive innovation mindset

Be ready for training unlike any other;

Immersive and experiential Film clips, music, games, challenges and more to help participants experience insights for themselves

Intense and catalytic We generate major results quickly by distilling everything down to key nuggets and getting rid of the fluff

Peer-to-peer exercises Nurturing collaboration, confidence and self-reliance every step of the way, rather than building a reliance on ‘the experts’

Values-based thinking Cultivating a sense of shared purpose, responsibility and ethics within teams and groups

Scientific research Embedding change and learning using the very best, and latest, research on leadership, collaboration, innovation and the mind

July 17th 2009

Book here

Collaboration IQ Event July 2009

How to foster the collaborative mindsets that are needed to solve the most pressing issues of the day - without wasting time, energy and resources.

In an atmosphere of collaboration and curiosity we will cover;

The benefits (and costs) of collaboration

The obstacles to collaboration

The emerging science of collaboration

Collaboration IQ: Practical, functional and operational tools

Collaboration IQ: Psychological, social and leadership tools (including the 4 archetypes of collaboration)

Be ready for training unlike any other;

Immersive and experiential Film clips, music, games, challenges and more to help participants experience insights for themselves

Intense and catalytic We generate major results quickly by distilling everything down to key nuggets and getting rid of the fluff

Peer-to-peer exercises Nurturing collaboration, confidence and self-reliance every step of the way, rather than building a reliance on ‘the experts’

Values-based thinking Cultivating a sense of shared purpose, responsibility and ethics within teams and groups

Scientific research Embedding change and learning using the very best, and latest, research on leadership, collaboration, innovation and the mind

July 14th 2009 - Sign up here

Innovation 2.0 & Open Innovation Event July 2009

A mini (re)boot camp to rapidly develop the mindsets and tools needed to engage in the exciting and challenging world of open innovation.

In an atmosphere of curiosity and collaboration we will cover;

Business not as usual: The principles of open innovation

Learning from the pathfinders: when - and how - open works

Open innovation tools: X-prizes, wikis, co-venturing, peer-to-peer investment, creative commons and more

Thinking open: leadership in the new new economy

Be ready for training unlike any other;

Immersive and experiential Film clips, music, games, challenges and more to help participants experience insights for themselves

Intense and catalytic We generate major results quickly by distilling everything down to key nuggets and getting rid of the fluff

Peer-to-peer exercises Nurturing collaboration, confidence and self-reliance every step of the way, rather than building a reliance on ‘the experts’

Values-based thinking Cultivating a sense of shared purpose, responsibility and ethics within teams and groups

Scientific research Embedding change and learning using the very best, and latest, research on leadership, collaboration, innovation and the mind

For more details you can find a pdf to download at www.wecreate.ccConnect. Create. Collaborate.

We are a socially-oriented mission-driven business committed to mass collaboration.

wonderinc (the company behind wecreate™) have been pioneering leadership, collaboration and innovation toolkits, training and coaching which put into practice the emerging principles and ethos of the collaboration economy for 5 years. We have received considerable funding from the European Social Fund, NESTA, BBC Learning and the Arts Council to develop breakthrough leadership, social innovation and change programmes.

After many years of as innovation experts working on major projects for the world’s leading organisations we began being asked to develop in-house programmes, expertise and toolkits that built helped companies and organisations do innovation themselves. We designed training and employee-led innovation programmes for Unilever R&D, Tesco’s entire 250,000 staff and the innovation team for Cadburys.

Through developing these programmes we realised that if put enough energy and effort into codifying the mindsets, techniques and skills of creativity, leadership and innovation - and if we then put those tools into experiences that were engaging and easy-to-use - then we could open up state-of-the-art business and social practices to everyone. This was the birth of the wecreate™ toolkit.

Nick Jankel
Wonder Inc
June 2009

leadership, toolkit, wecreate, collaboration, collaboration IQ, innovation, open innovation, collaborative innovation, collaborative leadership, creative leadership, peer coaching, leadership coaching, peer-to-peer coaching, peer-to-peer, systems thinking, innovation mindsets, training, multi-platform learning, leadership behaviors, social innovation, together, together everything is possible, we create, creativity training